Sunday, May 3, 2015

Next New

There are lots of platforms such as Trip Advisor that helps tourist navigate and explore a new city, there could be a platform that matches tourists with locals who would like bring people around. These locals could earn money and who ever is available will be doing the tour. Sometimes tourists will need someone to bring them around for one day or even just a couple of hours. They can search by location and time to find the next available local to bring them on a tour. This is actually similar to how Uber works, where people around your location can pick you up and drive you to your destination. With this new media, whoever is nearby and knows the area and is available can bring tourists around.

Friday, April 24, 2015


File sharing gives access to digital media content such as music, videos, pictures, and so on. P2P refers to networks that allow two parties to communicate to one another. Thus, P2P file sharing refers to the sharing of digital content between users. Users are connected via the internet and digital content is shared between users across this network. 

Examples of P2P file sharing includes illegal downloads of movies and music. As mentioned in "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios", in 2008, when the "Dark Knight" was released, more than 7 million copies of the movie was illegally downloaded across the world. Unknown users put the movie on the Internet which is accessible by other internet users who access and download it. A simple google search can bring up a movie available for download (Stelter and Stone 2009). 

This is a combination of technology and the internet at play. Because the internet is so open and users are connected via networks, illegal downloads are very common. Not downloading something illegally would actually be strange because no one wants to pay for content when they can have it for free. 


Stelter, Brian, and Brad Stone. "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios." 
             The New York Times. The New York Times, 04 Feb. 2009. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wiki so far

I am currently researching for the technology page to add content. I saw that someone mentioned about 3D printers and that immediately reminded me of "Prynt", a photo printing case. This looks like a phone case and once it was connected to a phone, it can immediately print pictures from the phone's album. This is a great example of how technology has allowed for things that were not possible in the past. I am planning to research about this product on its website as well as watch videos to understand about it functions. I will also go on to learn more about how it started as a project and slowly became what it is today. Along with this content, I will add pictures of how the photo printing case looks like. 

I want to add an edit to the iphone 6 paragraph because I do want to research more about the iphone 6 and learn more about it. The best way to do this would be to read reviews on the iphone 6 and explore the apple website. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Privacy and confidentiality are often issues that come hand in hand with new media. New media allows information to freely move across the internet and its networks. This is available to all internet users and is accessible anywhere and anytime. This extremely important in today's society because new media technologies are used by many people for its efficiency and convenience. However, this also leads to a loss of privacy for its users. As much as we want information to be confidential, it is very hard to control the direction of it. For example, users post pictures on Facebook to share with their friends, but strangers may able to access these pictures. After all, this is the internet, everything is out in the open. 

However, most new media technologies do offer privacy settings to protect its user's confidentiality. We can customize our privacy settings so that we have control over who sees what and has access to what. With such privacy controls, sometimes it may be hard to keep track of making certain things private. This is when the loss of privacy really occurs. Privacy settings may be too complex, confusing and time consuming. Users are not always aware that their information is published to the public. 

Therefore, the ability for information to move across networks is both beneficial and harmful to its users. 


Baruch definitely uses new media tools for announcements, updates, and so on. New media can actually be incorporated into the class curriculum of many classes. Students often line up after class or have to wait for office hours to speak to a professor. To minimize the need to wait and meet face to face, Baruch should have a system for virtual meetings like Skype for professors and students. This will only occur during office hours so it can act as a substitute for in person meetings in office hours.

Aside from this, professors and their students can also chat online during this time. This eliminates the need for emails because emails take a while to go back and forth. Online chatting allows for instant exchanges between a professor and student. I think that this will be helpful to alot of students who would prefer to do this virtually instead of going in person during office hours.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


The digitization of media has increased the accessibility of media, fostering creativity in our society. It represents the progression of media from the past to the present. In the old times, creativity was limited because people did not have tools to build their creativity. Because of this, things were not "creative" back then. A society with limited creativity is also a factor that limits creativity from individuals. If people are not exposed to the creativity of others, they will not really understand what creativity is. As stated in the article, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Users", technology companies rely on the ideas of others to create newer ideas. The internet allows people to exchange ideas easily and efficiently. For example, Twitter monitors the actions of their customers to see how they implement improvements. A customer used a "@" in a tweet and this sparked an idea in twitter, "@" can be used to tag people. This creates the creativity in businesses ( Miller 2009).

All media tools and outlets allow for the exchange of information and we all learn from this information. With information readily available, businesses can easily monitor the actions of their customers, and create innovative ways to cater to their needs. Without the media, none of this can happen. There will be no creativity because information will not be shared as easily across people. 

Miller, Claire Cain. "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers." 
          The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

Creativity and New Media

New Media fosters creativity and virtual worlds is a perfect example of this. After reading articles about Second Life, I decided to give it a try. I was surprised to see that it was a downloadable game. I actually thought it was something was played on a website. There were lots of avatars to choose from so I randomly choose one, knowing that we can customize our avatar later on. In the game, I noticed that there were different destinations and there was a destination just for new users. This is very helpful as it creates a community for new users. Also, I think that the flying ability is pretty cool since we cant do that in the real world.