Sunday, May 3, 2015

Next New

There are lots of platforms such as Trip Advisor that helps tourist navigate and explore a new city, there could be a platform that matches tourists with locals who would like bring people around. These locals could earn money and who ever is available will be doing the tour. Sometimes tourists will need someone to bring them around for one day or even just a couple of hours. They can search by location and time to find the next available local to bring them on a tour. This is actually similar to how Uber works, where people around your location can pick you up and drive you to your destination. With this new media, whoever is nearby and knows the area and is available can bring tourists around.


  1. I believe that this is a great idea! This allows locals to engage with people from other cities or countries while earning money at the same time. In big cities like NYC, people usually walk pass tourists thinking they are a hindrance, if this new idea comes into place it may change some perspectives and allow people to be less judgemental.

  2. This would be a great help to everyone. Anyone who has been a tourist in a foreign city knows how difficult it can be to get around. Especially in a city such as New York it can be difficult to stop someone when everyone seems to be in a rush to go somewhere. Another helpful aspect that can be added to this app is a language preference or requirement as tourists often cannot even ask for help because they may not know the native language. This app will allow them to request someone who speaks the same language they do.
